I feel great pride when I look back at all of the beautiful work we have done together. We’ve collaborated on more than 200 design projects and I’m proud to say that I can boast having a bevy of happy clients – more than two dozen of you and all owners of local businesses doing great things in our community. For this, I thank you for your hard work and I appreciate you giving me a chance to help you along.
I started this little graphic design business nearly four years ago after retiring from vegetable farming. I did all sorts of research beforehand to find out how much does a graphic designer charge for his or her services, and can one person really make a living doing freelance design work?
I set my prices relatively low at the beginning, four years ago, and have maintained that hourly rate ever since, recognizing that I was a new kid in town and engaging me on projects might seem risky.
You now know the quality of my work, which many of you realize has been priced at below market rates. Well, it’s time for me to put Aspen Farm Studios on a more financially sustainable path.
Thus, I will be raising my hourly rates by 10-15% on July 1st.
I look forward to continuing to work with you on your design and branding needs. Feel free to shoot me an email or give me a call (608-632-1667) if you have any questions.
Thank you and have a great day!
Mike Lind
Aspen Farm Studios